The best propeller is the main part of a drone. It’s really important to drone as wheels for a vehicle because it keeps your drone flying.
When you choosing the best propeller for your drone or multi-copter, few main areas should be looking at.
You can easily pick a propeller by looking at your motor thrust data table.
If you want to know A to Z about propeller better be read this post to end.
Like the other components of a drone, prop also related to other parts like motors.
Upward thrust force generated by the propellers.
To keep your drone fly minimum the upward thrust needs to be greater than the weight of your drone.
How it Propellers works ?
Typically, propellers give more thrust when they spin faster.
Common propellers have specific rotating direction, It’s clockwise and counters clockwise.
When prop spin, a platform that is fixed, also spin that direction. That’s why we need more than one prop to table the flight and more than two to turn it wherever we want.
Alright, guys, I’m not gonna telling more than that here about how it works because I already post an article.
Check it out here – Physical principals related to drones.
Alright, fellas Let’s get to know more about drone propellers –
Types of propellers
Normal two-blade Propellers
Two blade propeller is very common and popular in this industry because it producing thrust as opposed to other multi-blade propellers. A higher percentage of this article based on two-blade props, so I think this is enough.
Bullnose propeller
The more surface area that your propeller has, the more air it can push.
It means creating more thrust, but the downside is a higher current draw, increased drag, and reduced power efficiency.
But Bull-nose quadcopter propellers have a greater surface area and create more thrust.
Tapered propellers create fewer tip vortices, but sacrifices thrust as the propeller gets thinner.
These are better suited for slow-moving drones so, this type is good for aerial photography drones and also this type using racing drones to gain a higher thrust at a smaller size.
Multiblade propellers
If your application needs more thrust, better to go with multi-blade but at the cost of efficiency.
some racing type drones that have 5-inch triple-blade propellers because it has a higher torque generation which makes the yaw axis of the quadcopter much more responsive.
Also, there are 4, 5, and even 6 blade designs, but these have diminishing returns due to inefficiency.
Foldable and Self-tightening propellers
Nowadays world-leading drone manufacturing companies try to make their product, super portable because people can easily take their drones anywhere.
To accomplish this, foldable and self-tightening propellers are included in the design.
To hover your drone, you have to increase the RPM right? when you increase throttle, the outward force due to the motor rotation holds the propeller in its proper angle and it’s tightening automatically.
Best propeller materials
Commonly you can find on most applications using plastic compound propellers, but they’re also available such as Carbon fiber and Wooden props.
Plastic Propellers
When we do this as a hobby plastic propeller is good enough because they are slightly flexible and bend when your drone crashes(don’t scared)and save you money.
The disadvantage is causing vibration as they rotate, which can affect the flight performance of your drone a little bit.
Carbon fiber propellers
They are lite weight and strong, less vibration and sound quieter when flying.
That means CF props are better than the plastic props.
However, they are expensive, and the inflexibility means the motor bearings will take the brunt of the impact force on crashes.
My opinion is better to be going with your budget.
Choosing best Propeller size and Pitch
Pitch can be defined as total distance traveled by your quadcopter or drone with a single rotation of your motor and the size of the propeller is the distance from tip to tip.
This is the best part you need to know about props because here I’ll tell you how to choose the correct propeller size for your drone or quadcopter.
Let’s get a one propeller and discuss about all these things.
10×4.5 plastic CW (sometimes referred to as 1047)
Choosing the best propeller size (10)
At any time after selecting what type of drone you are gonna make, we can choose the type of motor that will optimum for our project.
As I told you earlier the size of the propeller is the distance from tip to tip.
When the prop getting longer it can generate more thrust at the same speed.
But it needs more power from the motor to turn the prop.
Always propeller size(length) depend on your motor kV value.
Higher kV motor means smaller props and lower kV motor means Lager props.
When kV getting lower it’s more power-efficient and also getting expensive.
The ideal choice is to have a look at the motor thrust data tables to ensure that the current drawn does not exceed the safety rating of the motor.
when attaching the propellers that you want for your drone or a multi-copter.
Choosing best propeller pitch value (4.7)
Larger propeller size does not mean that you will be able to fly faster, there’s the pitch is comes to the part.
Pich simply travels a distance of your propeller from a single rotation.
As a rule of thumb, if you increase the propeller pitch, they are likely to respond faster.
If your drone or quadcopter using for tasks like areal filming or photography you better be going with low pitch value.
If you making a racing type quadcopter best one is a little bit higher.
As I said the earlier best choice is to have a look at the motor thrust data tables.
You can get a better understanding of these numbers by checking thrust data tables.
Drone or quadcopter lot power efficient with a well-balanced motor-propeller combination.
It’ll also relax your battery from unwanted stress.
As a drone enthusiast don’t be scared to do experiments with these numbers :).
I can tell you one thing, go with the numbers in your motor thrust data tables because It’s a lot safer.
I hope that you will have better about choosing the best propeller for your drone by this post.